promoting unity and love towards each other!
Dear community!
Thank you 🙏 all for making icuc community night a success and promoting unity and love towards each other. Quick reminder about the love among us!
تقبل الله طاعتكم❤️.. الله يتقبل منكم جميعا يارب The culture at Icuc is really and truly what makes the difference in our children daily life. So proud to be part of such an amazing massjid with incredible community!
كلمة الخير كنز، تبقى ذخرا لأبنائك ولو انحرفوا، سيذكرون ما قلت ولو بعد حين.. {وكان أبوهما صالحا} The greatest gift we can give is unconditional love and acceptance ❤️ Acceptance is an important part of love and also very important for a happy and long lasting relationship. No one is perfect, we all have faults, but someone who truly loves and cares about us, will accept us for how we are, including all our faults. It is recognizing the other person for who he or she is without judgement, without bias, and without the need to control. There are also situations where acceptance in a relationship allows us to decide is this relationship is what we really want. For example, we might be in a relationship where our partner often explodes in anger and rage, and most of the time we are the target of this anger, giving us terrible hurt and suffering. By accepting this is how our partner is, allows us to decide if this relationship is what we really want, and allows us to make the decision to leave. By not accepting, sticking it out and hoping our partner will change, means the suffering shall continue. Emotionally most people do not change, and accepting this is how it is, allows us to make a decision and move forward. Not accepting means staying, hoping, and suffering. Accepting does not mean approving in this situation, it means facing reality and allowing us to decide our future. Acceptance is an important part of happiness, and this also means accepting ourselves for who we are, and loving ourselves, not by ego but by understanding ourselves. This is important because it allows us to be positive, to make better decisions, and to live a happier life. Acceptance is also needed to resolve anything we might be holding onto from the past. The past cannot be changed, but by accepting and understanding this is just how it is, allows healing, allows us to move forward, and allows recovery. Acceptance is also very different to tolerance. Tolerance means we are still being judgemental, and this is a negative emotion. By tolerating someone, or a group of people, in our mind there is still resistance and dislike. The key here is rather than have tolerance, instead have acceptance. By accepting means letting go, creating happiness. We are accepting the rights of someone else to make different choices to us; a different belief system, a different culture, wear different clothes, eat different food, we are accepting rather than having an opinion creating stress. Acceptance brings an inner peace and allows the mind to be free and happy. This then allows us to focus on more positive things in our own life, increasing our own happiness. Love is about acceptance, it means we are accepting someone with all their imperfections, because we accept this and through imperfection we can see perfection. Acceptance is a part of being human and is something every person needs, because we all need to feel loved, to feel needed, and to be accepted. So for a more positive and happier life, accept and forgive, show compassion and understanding, and when we fill our soul with loving kindness, we will be blessed with happiness. Happiness is life, and life is beautiful
Sincerely yours Dr Wail Rasheed