Happy Veteran Day to all my community and friends of our community.

Dear Community Salam Alykum

Happy Veteran Day to all my community and friends of our community.

Today we celebrate Veteran’s Day, a day to honor and recognize the brave men and women who have served our country in times of both war and peace. It is a day to be thankful for and reflect on all the freedoms we have and the privilege of living in a democracy which allows us to choose how we are governed. To the veterans among us, thank you for keeping us free.

But it isn’t only the veterans that serve, it is also their families. There are anniversaries, birthdays and holidays spent apart and multiple moves as they are reassigned. So, to all those who are part of a military family, thank you for serving too.  Military families keep us strong.

On behalf of the ICUC community , Happy Veteran’s Day. The liberties we all enjoy are because of our veterans’ and their families’ sacrifices. 

Dr Wail Rasheed

“This will remain the land of the free only so long as it is the home of the brave.”

 -Elmer Davis, American Journalist, director of the U.S. Office of War Information during WWII.