Ramadan Message from The Islamic Center of Union County

Ramadan Message

from The Islamic Center of Union county

Asalam alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh (peace be upon you)!

Dear Brothers, Sisters and beloved youth,

The month of Ramadan is arriving, Insha'Allah!, the blessed month of fasting and prayers. It is the month of performing good deeds and giving in charity.

May Allah (swt) make it a month of blessing to fill us with mercy and forgiveness, to renew in ourselves the meaning of empathy and compassion and to live through the Islamic core values as we are contributing to our society.

As we welcome this holy month with happiness and hope, we recall the Prophet's (salah allah alaihe wasallam) saying to his companions congratulating them on Ramadan, 'O people, a blessed month comes. Allah orders you to fast. A month when the doors of paradise are open; the doors of hell are closed; and demons are chained.'”

We are pleased to share that ICUC will be having Taraweeh everyday insha Allah (assuming safe conditions prevail), but will be very limited and restricted to individual arriving on time, due to increasing number of Covid in Union county and NJ at large. ICUC will participate in limited activities and it will be shorter than typically taraweeh prayer daily.

Finally, we pray to Almighty Allah to help us in fasting and performing prayers, to forgive us, to bless our souls, and accept our fast and duaas. Ameen.

Friendly reminder of Massjid Covid rules to attend

1. You don’t have any Covid symptoms including (but not limited to) sneezing, coughing, fever or loss of taste/smell and others.

2. You have not been in close contact with a Covid affected person and are following all State laws regarding Covid safeguards and exposure.

3. You will wear a face MASK at all times no matter of your vaccine status. (You will be escorted out if you don’t wear a mask). Masks will NOT be provided at the Masjid.

3. You will use you Own prayer rugs

4. You will maintain at least 6 feet distance at all times and not be loitering or socializing before, during and after prayer.

5.There will be NO food service during Ramadan and Eid.

6. No kids under the age of 13.

7. There are No Wudu facilities open at this time

8. Massjid will close 5 minutes after prayers

9. no Itqaf for your safety

Jazakum Allah Khair

Dr Wail Rasheed